Revisiting the “About my Blog” Page

February 10 2009

Time for a revisit.

It’s been about three months since I began writing Haiku (trying to write a Haiku a day) and the result has been this blog which, in the next day or two, will surpass 10,000 hits.

Writing haiku has made me think about and write poetry every day – something I used to do when I was younger.

I’m glad to get back to it.

It’s interesting to see how the blog has evolved. I still see it as a way for readers to find my poetry. It still want to write more reviews (I have a stack of books and poets) and I want to post more fables. However, the most enjoyable part has been the analysis and explication of poetry – the poetry I love. I really didn’t appreciate the pent up demand for close readings of metrical poetry until my Stats page showed me just how many readers were looking for it.

What is scansion? How is it done? What are good examples?

I was surprised to find that there is really no single resource on the web for in depth study of poetry written in form. There are various web sites scattered here and there but all are lacking in one way or another.  Meanwhile, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of free verse blogs and poets. I suspect that most of my readers are students, probably in High School. If so, I hope the posts inspire some of you to try your hand at poetry. You’re welcome to send me some.

I enjoy filling this niche. I’ll be adding more poems to my list. I want to study the meter of Yeats, Stevens and other moderns. I want to look at more Shakespeare, some Donne and Keats especially.

I also want to write down and share the many fables and children’s stories I improvise for my children. I want to write more poetry, narrative poetry, and improve my blank verse and skill with meter and rhyme. I want to write more Haiku.

As I’ve written elsewhere, be sure and let me know if my posts are helpful. If you have suggestions, corrections or improvements. Comment. I always have more to learn. Feel free to comment at the Guest Book if you have general comments.

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