February 25th 2017

····at midnight—a thousand pools under a thousand
The warm February afternoon was followed by a storm at nightfall. The winds blew the tins off my woodpile, roared in the trees, and pools of water collected in the snow. Tomorrow we’ll have to fire the wood stove again. After a winter’s beginning, February’s weather is fitful and unsettled. A cold day tomorrow will be followed by another warm stretch. Spiders and beetles come out of slumber too early.
56 February 25th 2017 | bottlecap

February 23rd 2017

····in the noonday sun—a crow on melting
72º today in the river valley. The old thermometer rusting on Union Village Road was right.  The snow is still a foot deep or more but so drenched with its melting one can walk across it without sinking.  I worked in short sleeves.
54 February 23rd 2017 | bottlecap