What You’ve been Listening To | June 17th-23rd

I forgot to post this last Sunday, so here it is. My little poem “Beatified” was the most popular, as were Duni’s Songs and “I go to you”. WistThistle, the fantasy series from which Duni’s Songs are drawn, is just as good. In that regard, if you’re friendly with any literary agents looking to represent a new fantasy novelist, let them know that I’m still looking. I’ve been turned down, without comment, by some forty agents already. My Sonnet “As on a Sunny Afternoon” was very popular this week, along with recordings of William Yeats. Yeat’s recitation of Innisfree and his discussion of his own chant-like readings comes from my post on Long Legged Fly. “A February Bat”, a little poem that remains among the most popular on my blog, was written on the spur of the moment while driving to Middlebury. I needed something new to read and was remembering the sorrow of a bat that had flown from our house in February, having woken from its winter slumber too early.

If you’re interested in a novel that’s published and available, with some of my best poetry, consider purchasing Tiny House, Big Mountain, published by Raw Earth Ink. In that novel you will find Erlkönigen and Unbidden, among others.
